Turtles all the way down

Turtles all the way down : A great Book

This is a book by John Green, and it’s a metaphor that expresses the `infinite regress` complication in cosmology. This metaphor relates to the mythological idea of a unique turtle that can support the earth on its back.

Additionally, this phrase shows that the turtle rests on the back of an even bigger turtle. The bigger turtle is part of an increasingly significant amount of turtles that has an infinite structure. Also, this saying is also used to refer to the complication of endless regress in epistemology. It demonstrates that there is an important foundation to knowledge in life.

The story follows the life of Sixteen-year-old Aza. She never intended to pursue the mystery of a famous fugitive that was known as Russell Pickett. That said, there is a high reward available, and her close pal Daisy is also eager to investigate the story. The two work together to work on the small divides that exist in between them and Russell’s son, David. Aza is trying to be a good person in life while managing her tormenting though patterns,

About the book

john greenJohn Green has developed an exciting novel since his last release in 2012 which was known as the `The Fault in Our Stars. ` The story features a small group of tenderhearted and exciting teenagers. They are also nerds, and they are often caught discussing knowledge topics. This including the hermeneutics of start wars, astronomy, geography and more.

It’s important to note that most characters in Greens story are often portrayed as annoying. For instance, Daisy is portrayed as overbearing, yet warm and reliable at the same time. The tornado of thoughts that power Aza`s illness are difficult to manage and awkward in some instances.

John Green has done well to document the activities that occur in teenage life. He has managed to demonstrate the insecurities that compromise the lives of youth in many ways. While most of his characters are troubled and complicated, they often demonstrate with and a geeky sense of personality.

Aza suffers from OCD and anxiety. What is more appalling is that her case is severe, which makes it difficult to manage medically and personally. OCD is a complication that is associated with repetitive behaviors and this similar to Aza`s case. In fact, she has a self-inflicted wound on her finger. She constantly reopens the wound regularly to clean and sanitize it.

Additionally, she has intrusive thoughts that are key to the story. For instance, Aza is obsessed with the ecosystem of bacteria that lives in her body. She never stops worrying about the rumble that occurs in her gut and attributes them to microbes. More so, she never stops worrying about the chance of touching someone who is sweating or the prospect of sweating as well.


In conclusion, `turtles all the way down` is an excellent read for book enthusiasts. The unique way in which John Green presents his stories and themes are unrivaled. There are even rumors of the story being developed into a movie very recently.